January 2022
Happy New Year! Wellness resolutions are surely topping the to-do lists of any of your clients for 2022, and you can help them achieve those goals by enrolling in Wellness Travel University’s GOLD course.
Our course will help you become an expert in the rapidly growing field of wellness travel, and enable you to discover the vast wealth of wellness modalities along with where in the world to find them! Armed with your WTU degree, you will be well-equipped to share the perfect suggestions with your clients for their wellness vacation needs. Another advantage of completing the GOLD course is the ability to further educate yourself with specialty courses, such as our Rancho La Puerta module. So whether your New Year’s resolutions involve wellness or upping your business savvy or education, enrolling in Wellness Travel University can help you achieve your goals as well.
In this month’s newsletter, we take a look at what’s new in wellness this year, alternatives for healthy holidays and how travelers can practice good sleep on the road.

Trips for personal growth and selfdiscovery are going to continue to skyrocket this year, which is likely to fuel the solo travel boom. Sustainable and ethical will be watchwords this year, as will essentialism (getting rid of all that is not necessary). This article from the South China Morning Post explains why solo, sustainable, ethical, and essentialism travel will become big priorities among wellness travelers.

The skyrocketing interest in traveling for wellness has led both traditional hotels and destination resorts to up their wellness antes. From outfitting rooms with Peloton exercise bikes to adding programs that address mental health, lodging properties have been responding to the interests and practices that people adopted during the pandemic

These Hotels Will Help You Sleep Better
One of the keys to wellness is a good night’s sleep. If your customers have resolved to amp up their sleep skills this year, here are some Oprah-approved suggestions for restful snoozecations.

As detailed in Wellness Travel University curriculum, the sea is known for its healing powers. This article from the latest issue of Organic Spa Magazine highlights some unexpected seaside spas that take wellness to a different level.

Mental Wellness Tips
The Power of the Pause: Everyone’s been going through stuff during the past
two years. That’s why it’s more important than ever to tap into our ability to be
empathic, both with ourselves and others. Click Here